How my journey began

I started my real estate journey in 2016 when I realized there had to be more to life than waking up, going to work for someone else, coming home and going to bed. All the meanwhile only being able to see my loved ones for only a couple hours a day and barely making ends meet. I wanted to LIVE my life while I still could and the way I wanted, not the way someone else told me to.

I jumped with both feet into real estate and fell completely in love. It was a few years later when I decided to start coaching people everything I learned. I wanted others to see that owning a business, raising a family and living life to its fullest is absolutely possible for EVERYONE.

My passion is teaching people how to invest in real estate the right way. Build a legacy, live a passive lifestyle and pass along their knowledge to others. If REI is something you want to do, schedule a free consultation with me below!

“Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait.” - Will Rogers

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